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Art. 1. To obtain the title of Full Member of SBENF, the candidate must fulfill one of the requirements below:

§ 1 The candidate must obtain the title of Specialist in Neurosurgery from the SBN, prove training for 1 year in a service recognized by the SBENF, the regulatory period of 5 years of residency in Neurosurgery being not valid for this purpose, and be approved by 2/ 3 of the votes in the General Assembly. The candidate must have a cover letter signed by 3 (three) Full Members of SBENF, one belonging to the service where he completed the training.

§ 2° Candidates who have not completed training in a service accredited by the SBNFE or a foreign service recognized by the SBENF, and who are Full Members of the SBN, must prove the effective practice of Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery for a period of no less than 5 (five) years after the end of the medical residency, with a minimum number of three monthly functional surgeries proven by the clinical staff and management of the hospital(s) in which he works, in addition to the presentation letter from 3 (three) full members of the SBENF, which must be approved by the Board.

Art. 2. To be an Aspiring Member, the candidate must be completing a medical residency in neurosurgery, in a service accredited by the SBN or MEC or in a foreign service recognized by the SBN or during specialization in Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery and a service recognized by the SBENF; be presented by 2 (two) Full Members belonging to the faculty of the residency program and be approved by 2/3 of the General Assembly.

§1 Full members of the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery who express in writing their desire to be members of the Brazilian Society of Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery must be approved by the board of directors.

Art. 3. Honorary members will be appointed by the SBENF plenary, with honorary titles assigned to Neurosurgeons who contributed to the development of functional and stereotactic neurosurgery throughout the world.

Art. 4. Only full members of SBENF will have the right to vote and be voted on in plenary.


Art. 5. Permanent Committees and Special Committees will be part of the SBENF.

Art. 6. The Permanent Improvement Committee will be constituted by 3 (three) Full Members and 2 (two) Substitute Members, appointed by the Board, and approved by a simple majority by the General Assembly, and will have the following responsibilities:
a) Evaluate the quality of the CVs of candidates for full membership;
b) Organize jointly and subordinate to the board, the content of the company's congresses;
c) Issue, together with the SBENF Board, certificates to approved candidates.

Art. 7. Special Commissions may be created each biennium by the General Assembly, with specific purposes, in as many numbers as necessary, being extinguished at the end of their work.


Art. 8. SBENF must elect the Vice-President / Elected President by direct and secret vote, at the Ordinary General Assembly. The candidate who, in a direct and secret vote, receives a simple majority of votes present will be declared elected and sworn in.

Art. 9. It will be up to the President of SBENF to appoint the other members of the board, except the Elected President / Vice-President. The members of the Board of Directors must be approved at an Ordinary General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting called specifically for election purposes, by 2/3 of the Full Members present.


Art. 10. The SBENF Board of Directors will meet ordinarily:
a) before the installation of the Brazilian Congress of Functional and Sterotactical Neurosurgery;
b) annually, at a place and date designated by the President of SBENF.

§ 1 - When calling meetings, the agenda of the meeting's subjects must be included and the Board of Directors may only deliberate on these matters.

§ 2 - Calls for meetings must be made at least 30 (thirty) days in advance; contain the agenda of their subjects and a summary of the minutes of the previous meeting.

Art. 11. The SBENF Board of Directors will meet extraordinarily:

a) upon summons by the President of SBENF or the Vice-President if he is unable to do so;
b) by any of the other members in the absence of the President or Vice-President of SBENF;
c) exceptionally by a simple majority of its members, in a place designated by them.
§ 1 All meetings of the Board of Directors will be chaired by its President and secretariat by its Secretary.
§ 2 If the President and Vice-President of SBENF are unable to attend, the meetings will be chaired by the General Secretary and, in the event of his impediment, by the Treasurer or the oldest member of SBENF present at the plenary.


Art. 12. The General Assembly, the highest body of SBENF, within the Statute and the law, must consist of:

1. Working hours
a) opening of the session by the President;

2. Agenda

a) election and admission of new Members;
b) board report;
c) election of the Elected President / Vice-President;
d) matters previously forwarded to SBENF by Full Members;
e) inauguration of the new board;

3. Miscellaneous matters not on the agenda

4. End of session

Art. 13. Any number of members present at the Assembly on second call will constitute a satisfactory quorum after fifteen minutes.

Art. 14. The following rules will be observed in the work of the General Assembly:
a) the session will last a maximum of 15 (fifteen) minutes, and may be extended for an equal period, at the request of one of its members, with the approval of the plenary;
b) the agenda will have a maximum duration of 1 (one) hour, and may be extended for an equal period, at the request of one of the Members, with the approval of the plenary;
c) the Member who wishes to speak must request permission from the President;
d) when speaking, the Member must decline their name and origin;
e) each Member will have 5 (five) minutes for his presentation, which can be extended for another 5 (five) minutes, if another Member of the plenary gives his time to him;
f) parallel debates will not be permitted;
g) asides will only be allowed if requested and granted by whoever is speaking, and cannot exceed 2 (two) minutes;
h) the use of the word for “point of order” is to request clarification on the Statute or Internal Regulations. It is up to the President to clarify it or submit it to the plenary;
i) the use of the word “by order” is to enforce or cite articles of the Statute or Internal Regulations and may or may not be accepted by the President


Art. 15. SBENF organizes an official scientific meeting:
a) the Brazilian Congress of Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery, which takes place in even years, together with the SBN Congress;

Art. 16. SBENF will have a representative with the president of the SBN Brazilian Neurosurgery Congress.

§1 The President of SBENF will continue to be the Society's highest executive authority also in matters relating to the Brazilian Congress of Neurosurgery, and must be heard in all aspects of its organization.

§2 The SBENF representative to the President of the SBN Congress will be responsible for organizing the Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery Congress and appointing its Special Committees.


Art. 17. Suggested changes to the Internal Regulations must be proposed in writing, signed by at least 5 (five) Full Members and delivered to the General Secretary at least one hundred and twenty days before the General Assembly. Suggestions for changes must be sent by mail, by the General Secretary to all Full Members, at least thirty days before the General Assembly, which must discuss and vote on them, requiring 2/3 (two thirds) of the votes present to approval.


Art. 18. All those holding office until the approval of these Internal Regulations will have the rights guaranteed to them respected.

Art. 19. Cases omitted from these Internal Regulations will be evaluated and decided by the Board of Directors and the decisions will prevail until the subsequent Ordinary General Assembly, in which, necessarily, the matter will be considered.

Um Momento de Transição e Crescimento

Nos últimos anos, temos observado um influxo significativo de novos colegas se unindo a nós, cada um trazendo suas próprias necessidades e perspectivas. Essas vozes novas são vitais para o nosso crescimento contínuo, e é fundamental que trabalhemos juntos para garantir que todos — sejam os recém-chegados ou aqueles que contribuem há décadas — se sintam valorizados e ouvidos.

Gratidão e Reconhecimento

Quero expressar minha sincera gratidão aos nossos ex-presidentes e aos colegas experientes que construíram o alicerce sólido sobre o qual continuamos a crescer hoje.

Suas mensagens de encorajamento, conselhos inestimáveis e contribuições ao longo dos anos formaram a base do que somos hoje e sobre a qual pretendemos edificar nossas ações nesta gestão.

Agradeço de coração as demonstrações de apoio e as palavras encorajadoras que recebi, que são testemunho da dedicação e do carinho que temos uns pelos outros, pela nossa especialidade e por esta sociedade.

Capitão do Nosso Barco

Encaro a presidência como a posição de um capitão com o timão em mãos, conduzindo nosso barco na direção do destino que todos desejamos.

Compreendo que o futuro da SBENF deve ser moldado por todos nós, pelos nossos desejos coletivos, refletindo tanto as conquistas daqueles que vieram antes quanto as aspirações dos que estão começando agora.

Chamado à Ação

Convido todos vocês a se unirem a mim nesta jornada com as inúmeras ações previstas até culminarmos em nosso congresso.

Vamos honrar os que nos precederam, continuar a construir sobre as conquistas históricas e criar um espaço onde cada neurocirurgião funcional se sinta representado e ouvido.

Nossa gestão será aberta e dedicada a dar visibilidade àqueles que, por quaisquer razões, ainda não tiveram suas vozes amplificadas ou que não se sentem pertencentes.

A SBENF pertence a todos nós, e juntos podemos garantir que continue sendo uma sociedade vibrante, inclusiva e inovadora. Espero trabalhar ao lado de cada um de vocês, fomentando um ambiente onde possamos prosperar e contribuir para o avanço da neurocirurgia funcional no Brasil e no mundo. Pretendemos ampliar nossas relações internacionais, mas sobretudo estreitar nossos laços como colegas e irmãos.

Com gratidão e expectativa,

Alexandre Amaral
Presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Neurocirurgia Funcional
Biênio 2025-2026

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